Website Design for Somerville Travel

Our only travel agent in town called us in to build a website for them.

The personal side of their story is that I walk past their shop nearly every day during my post office run – and they didn’t know this until I went in and met them! We regularly stop and chat on my way past, or at the least send a wave their way. I definitely love working in a small town where you always know someone nearby – I can never visit the shops without running into at least one person I know, usually more.

On the “nuts and bolts” side of this project: Somerville Travel’s existing website was designed many years ago and they weren’t able to update it themselves. They have specials they want to promote regularly, so we set up a range of easy to edit boxes on their home page for this purpose. They also receive awe-inspiring photos they like to share of the destinations they can book, so we made sure to feature those too.

Somerville Travel Website